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引用本文:李爱兰,刘肇瑞,张桂芝,黄悦勤,黄涛. 北京市五所高校大学生对艾滋病/性病防治干预需求的定性研究[J]. 中国艾滋病性病, 2000, 0(2)
作者姓名:李爱兰  刘肇瑞  张桂芝  黄悦勤  黄涛
作者单位:北京医科大学,北京医科大学,北京医科大学,北京医科大学,江西省吉安市井冈山医专 100083,100083,100083,100083
摘    要:
目的 探讨大学生对AIDS/STD预防教育/干预的看法和需求。方法 应用专题小组讨论(FGDs)方法。结果 14组FGDs结果表明:“恐艾症”和“认为AIDS离大学生很遥远”两种不同方向的认知在大学生中普遍存在;高校开展AIDS/STD防治干预活动是学生的共同愿望和需求;绝大多数学生主张干预内容应与性/生殖健康教育相结合,并强烈呼吁增加安全性行为(尤为避孕套知识和技能)教育的内容。干预活动易采用多种形式并用,以便具有不同特征的对象自主选择他们所喜欢的方式。另外,学生建议利用大众媒体创造良好的社会支持环境。结论 大学生对AIDS/STD预防教育的看法为有效地设计和实施教育项目提供了重要依据。在首都大学生中开展包括性教育在内的综合AIDS/STD防治干预活动势在必行。

关 键 词:大学生  艾滋病/性病  教育  干预  需求  定性研究

Qualitative Study on Needs of AIDS/STD Education and Intervention for University Students in Beijing
Li Ailan,LiuZhaorui,ZhangGuizhi,Huang Tao,et al.. Qualitative Study on Needs of AIDS/STD Education and Intervention for University Students in Beijing[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Aids & STD, 2000, 0(2)
Authors:Li Ailan  LiuZhaorui  ZhangGuizhi  Huang Tao  et al.
Affiliation:Li Ailan,LiuZhaorui,ZhangGuizhi,Huang Tao,et al. School of Public Health,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100083,P.R. China
To gather information on the perceptions and views of university students with regard to university- based AIDS/STD education and intervention. Methods Fourteen focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted between August and November 1999. Results The main findings indicated that two misunderstandings, "unreasonable fear of AIDS" as well as "AIDS is far away from students", existed at the same time among the students. They strongly expressed their own voices and needs to receive comprehensive AIDS/STD education and interventions. They suggested that AIDS intervention programs be combined with sexual/reproductive health education, and "safer sex education" approach be added to meet real needs of young students. Intervention should be multifaceted to meet different interests of different target audiences. In addition, mass media should play an essential role in providing university - based AIDS/STD intervention programs with a supportive environment to improve effectiveness of the programs. Conclusion The students' own perceptions and voices to the issue can highly contribute to designing effective AIDS/STD education and intervention programs. It is urgent that combining AIDS/STD prevention and intervention with sexual education should be conducted among the students of the universities in Beijing.
Keywords:University student AIDS/STD Education Intervention Needs Qualitative study
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