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引用本文:朱建明,刘想林,高云春,郭桂香,徐平. 多系统萎缩16例临床分析[J]. 中国医学创新, 2013, 0(27): 141-143
作者姓名:朱建明  刘想林  高云春  郭桂香  徐平
作者单位:湖南省常德市第一人民医院 湖南 常德 415000
摘    要:
目的:探讨多系统萎缩(MSA)的临床特点、影像学特征,以利于早期诊断,减少误诊率。方法:回顾性分析16例MSA患者临床资料。结果:拟诊MSA 11例,可能MSA 5例,其中橄榄桥脑小脑萎缩(MSA-OPCA)9例,纹状体黑质变性(MSA-SND)4例,ShyDrager综合征(MSA-SDS)3例,MRI表现上OPCA患者以小脑、脑桥、延髓萎缩为主,SND主要病变在壳核,SDS个别有小脑萎缩。结论:临床表现和MRI结合可提高MSA的诊断率。

关 键 词:多系统萎缩  α-突触核蛋白  MRI  临床分析

Clinical Analysis of 16 Cases with Multiple System Atrophy
Affiliation:The First Hospital of Changde City, Changde 415000, China
[ Abstract ] Objective: To analyze clinical manifestations and neuroimage for early diagnosis of multiple system atrophy ( MSA ) .Method: Clinical materials of 16 MSA cases were retrospectively analyzed.Result: 11 cases were probably diagnosed as MSA, another 5 cases were possible MSA.Among the 16 cases, 9 cases were olivopontocerebellar atrophy ( OPCA ), 4 cases striatonigral degeneration ( SND ), and 3 cases were Shy- Drager syndrome ( SDS ) .MRI showed that main lesion of OPCA were in cerebellum, pons, medulla, SND in putamen, and partial SDS in cerebellum. Conclusion: The diagnostic accordance rate of MSA can be elevated with correlation between clinical manifestations and brain MRI.
Keywords:Multiple system atrophy  Alpha-synuclein  MRI  Clinical analysis
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