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Zoonotic Transmission of Diphtheria from Domestic Animal Reservoir,Spain
Authors:Andreas Hoefer,Silvia Herrera-Leó  n,Lucas Domí  nguez,Maria Ordobá  s Gaví  n,Beatriz Romero,Ximena Belen Araujo Piedra,Cristina Sobrino Calzada,Marí  a José   Urí  a Gonzá  lez,Laura Herrera-Leó  n,Case Study Investigation Group2
Abstract:Toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcerans is as an emerging zoonotic agent of diphtheria. We describe the zoonotic transmission of diphtheria caused by toxigenic C. ulcerans from domestic animals in Spain, confirmed by core-genome multilocus sequence typing. Alongside an increasing number of recent publications, our findings highlight the public health threat posed by diphtheria reemergence.
Keywords:diphtheria   zoonoses   bacteria   bacterial infections   Corynebacterium ulcerans   Spain
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