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Short-term haemodynamic effects of dopexamine in patients with chronic congestive heart failure
Affiliation:Section of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Karolinska Institute, Danderyd Hospital Sweden
Abstract:Dopexamine (FPL 60278) is a new dopamine analogue which possessesa combination of dopamine receptor and beta-2-adrenoreceptoragonist properties. The aim of our study was to evaluate theshort-term haemodynamic effects of dopexamine administered byintravenous infusion at different dosage rates. Eight patientswith chronic congestive heart failure were studied. A dose of1 µg kg–1 min–1 produced a 27% decrease insystemic vascular resistance index (32.6 to 23.9 res. unitsm2, P<0.001 and a significant increase in cardiac index (2.7to 3.61min–1 m–2, P<0.001). Stroke volume indexand heart rate increased significantly by 22% and 7%, respectively.An increase in left ventricular stroke work index was also seenat the dose level inducing the maximum cardiac output. Leftventricular filling pressures and arterial blood pressures werenot affected. We conclude that administration of dopexamineto patients with congestive heart failure augments cardiac performanceat rest.
Keywords:Vasodilators    heart failure    haemodynamics
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