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Low-intensity transosseous ultrasound accelerates osteotomy healing in a sheep fracture model
Authors:Hantes Michael E  Mavrodontidis Alexandros N  Zalavras Charalampos G  Karantanas Apostolos H  Karachalios Theofilos  Malizos Konstantinos N
Affiliation:University Hospital of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece. hantesmi@otenet.gr
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Low-intensity transcutaneous ultrasound can accelerate and augment the fracture-healing process. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of transosseous application of low-intensity ultrasound on fracture-healing in an animal model. METHODS: A midshaft osteotomy of the left tibia was performed in forty sheep. An external fixator was used to stabilize the osteotomy site. A thin stainless-steel pin was inserted into the bone, 1.0 cm proximal to the osteotomy site. Ultrasound was transmitted through the free end of this pin, with a PZT-4D transducer. In twenty animals, the treated limb received a 200-microsec burst of 1-MHz sine waves repeated at 1 kHz with an average intensity of 30 mW/cm(2) for twenty minutes daily. Twenty other animals underwent the same surgery but did not receive the ultrasound (controls). Animals were killed at seventy-five and 120 days postoperatively. Radiographic evaluation was performed every fifteen days. Mechanical testing and quantitative computed tomography were performed after death. RESULTS: Fractures treated with ultrasound healed significantly more rapidly, as assessed radiographically, than did the controls (seventy-nine compared with 103 days, p = 0.027). On day 75, the mean cortical bone mineral density (and standard deviation) was 781 +/- 52 mg/mL in the treated limbs compared with 543 +/- 44 mg/mL in the control group (p = 0.014), and the average ultimate strength (as assessed with a lateral bending test) was 1928 +/- 167 N in the treated limbs compared with 1493 +/- 112 N in the control group (p = 0.012). No significant differences were noted on day 120. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that low-intensity transosseous ultrasound can significantly accelerate the fracture-healing process, increase the cortical bone mineral density, and improve lateral bending strength of the healing fracture in a sheep osteotomy model.
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