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引用本文:高洪,施慧鹏,罗从风,杨发民,眭述平,曾炳芳. 带关节外固定架在高能量Pilon骨折治疗中的应用[J]. 中华骨科杂志, 2003, 23(4): 216-219
作者姓名:高洪  施慧鹏  罗从风  杨发民  眭述平  曾炳芳
摘    要:目的介绍应用带关节外固定架治疗高能量Pilon骨折的经验,并评估其疗效。方法2001年3~6月,12例患者13处Pilon骨折接受了Orthofix公司单侧带关节超踝关节外固定架结合有限内固定治疗。致伤原因以车祸和高处坠落伤为主。该支架远端螺钉固定于距骨颈和跟骨,近端螺钉固定于胫骨骨折近端,使踝关节能以距下关节为中心活动。术后2周松动关节开始踝关节功能锻炼。结果12例患者随访10~13个月,平均随访12个月。临床疗效满意,无切口、伤口及钉道感染,无神经、血管损伤等并发症。踝关节症状和功能评分(Teeny&Wiss评分法)为74~94分,平均87分。踝关节临床结果为2个优秀,7个良好,4个一般。踝关节骨折复位情况(Marsh踝关节骨折复位评分法)为7个优良,6个中等。踝关节背伸-5°~18°,平均10°(健侧18°);跖屈20°~35°,平均26°(健侧36°);距下关节内翻4°~20°,平均10°(健侧14°);外翻0°~10°,平均3°(健侧10°)。结论带关节外固定架结合有限内固定治疗Pilon骨折可避免伤口并发症和骨不连的发生,能更好地恢复关节面的解剖关系,有利于踝关节早期活动,避免关节僵硬,是治疗高能量Pilon骨折较好的方法。

关 键 词:带关节外固定架 高能量Pilon骨折 治疗 临床应用

Use of an articulated external fixator for high energy Pilon fractures
Abstract:Objective To introduce the experience of treating high energy P il on fractures with an articulated external fixator. Methods From March to June 20 01, twelve patients (13 fractures) suffered from high energy Pilon fractures wer e treated with an articulated external fixator (Orthofix, Italy). The fixators w ere placed medially across the ankle joint, if necessary, fixation of fracture w as enhanced with combination of limited internal fixation. The main injury was c aused by traffic accident and high altitude dropping. The distal two pins were i nserted into the neck of the talus and the tuberosity of the calcaneus so that s ubtalar joint was treated as an axis during ankle movement. At approximately pos toperative two weeks, the articular hinge was released and the patient began ank le exercises. The clinical outcomes and complications were investigated and the postoperative of X-ray examination of ankle were also evaluated. Results Twelve patients were followed up with a mean period of 12 months. No infections of woun d and pin sites and no neurovascular complication was found. According to Teeny & Wiss ankle joint scoring system, the symptom and functional evaluation of the ankle was scored from 74 to 94 (average 87). Clinical results demonstrated 2 exc ellent, 7 good, 4 fair. Quality of reduction of the articular surface showed 7 g ood and 6 fair using system of Marsh classification of reduction of the articula r surface of the ankle. Conclusion External fixation with an articulated fixator combined with limited internal fixation is a satisfying technique to treat high energy Pilon fractures. This technique helps to effectively decrease both wound and bone healing complications. With advantage of restoring anatomical articula r surface and enabling early ankle joint motion, this technique also helps to pr event ankle joint stiffness after fixation. The short term result of the above-m entioned fixation is encouraging.
Keywords:Tibial fractures  Ankle joint  External fixators
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