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General practitioners: child accident prevention and 'The Health of the Nation'
Authors:Kendrick, Denise   Marsh, Patricia   Williams, E.I.
Affiliation:1Department of General Practice, University of Nottingham Medical School Clifton Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Abstract:It has recently been suggested in the ‘Health of the Nation’that specific accident prevention activities should be undertakenby general practitioners. This study reports the findings froma survey of general practitioners in Nottinghamshire assessingknowledge, attitudes and current practices in accident prevention.The findings suggest that more than two-thirds of respondinggeneral practitioners are aware of the extent of childhood mortalityfrom accidental injuries and of the risk factors for accidentalinjury. Knowledge scores were higher for women, those aged 44years and under, those on the child health surveillance list,those with experience of hospital or community paediatrics,and those with postgraduate qualifications in paediatrics. Morethan 50% of general practitioners hold positive views towardsthe activities suggested in the ‘Health of the Nation’and more than 40% are already carrying out such activities.Positive attitudes are more commonly held in women and thoseon the child health surveillance list. There was a significantcorrelation between knowledge score and attitude score. Forall accident prevention activities covered in the questionnaire,fewer practitioners undertook an activity than held a positiveattitude towards that activity. Accident prevention work iscurrently more likely to be undertaken by general practitionerson an opportunistic basis than on a systematic population basis.If general practitioner intervention is demonstrated to be effective,a shift towards a population approach may be more successfulin reducing injury rates.
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