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Extracts of Monascusus Purpureus beyond Statins——Profile of Efficacy and Safety of the Use of Extracts of Monascus Purpureus
作者姓名:BIANCHI Antonio
作者单位:R&D Direcror
摘    要:
Monascus purpureus is a fungus that has been tradi-tionally used in China for thousands of years to produce ricewine . Traditionally the fungus is used to ferment non-gluti-nous cooking of rice ,to produce a kind of famous red ricewine .Its main traditional indications consist of disordersdue to the accumulation of fats (nosologically linked withthe problems of stasis of circulation in traditional Chinesemedicine) ,liver disorders and some forms of tumor as ithelps i mprove the circulation of …

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