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引用本文:孔潇玉,马其民. 二维超声心动图测定冠心病患者左心泵血功能的临床价值[J]. 蚌埠医学院学报, 2005, 30(4): 305-307
作者姓名:孔潇玉  马其民
作者单位:1. 广东省佛山市高明区妇幼保健院超声科(原在安徽省蚌埠市第二人民医院超声科工作), 528500;2. 安徽省蚌埠市第二人民医院心血管科, 233000
摘    要:目的: 探讨测定冠心病患者左室泵血功能的临床应用价值。方法: 72例冠心病患者全部使用美国HBSONOS 1000型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪进行检查。获得满意图像后,分别计算出反映左室泵血功能指标。结果: 左室射血分值异常48例,每搏出量异常56例,每分排血量异常37例,心脏指数异常39例,排血指数异常44例。急性心肌梗死和心力衰竭者左室泵血功能指标80%以上均低于正常标准值,特别是左室射血分值,与患者病情的严重程度极为密切。结论: 在冠心病与心脏瓣膜疾病中,若射血分值<33%,表示预后严重不良;<40%者,病死率显著增高;>60%者,几乎无死亡病例出现。

关 键 词:冠状动脉疾病   超声心动描记术  多普勒   左室射血分值

Clinical value of two-dimensional echocardiography in detection of the blood pump function of the left ventricle in patients with coronary heart disease
KONG Xiao-Yu,MA Qi-min. Clinical value of two-dimensional echocardiography in detection of the blood pump function of the left ventricle in patients with coronary heart disease[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical College, 2005, 30(4): 305-307
Authors:KONG Xiao-Yu  MA Qi-min
Affiliation:1. Department of Ultrasound, Health Center for Women and Children Gaoming District, Foshan 528500;2. Department of Cardiovasology, Bengbu Second People's Hospital, Bengbu 233000, China
Abstract:Objective:To test the function of blood pump of the left ventricle in patients suffering from coronary heart disease and to discuss its clinical value.Methods:Seventy-two patients with coronary heart disease were examined with color Doppler echocardiography HBSONS 1000 made in America,and the index which could reflect the function of blood pump of the left ventricle was calculated.Results:Abnormal left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) was observed in 48 cases,abnormal SV in 56 cases,abnormal CO in 37 cases,abnormal CI in 39 cases and abnormal SVI in 44 cases.Eighty percent of the indices in the patients with AMI and heart failure were below the normal accounting,which was closely related to the degree of the disease.Conclusions:If the value of EF in patients with coronary heart disease and valve heart disease is less than 33 percent,it indicates that the prognosis is poor;if the value of EF is less than 40 percent,the mortality rate will rise greatly in the internal medicine and surgical department; if the value of EF is above 60 percent,no mortality will occur.
Keywords:coronary disease  echocardiography describe record skill  Doppler  left ventricular ejection fraction
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