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引用本文:郭春英,杨柳. 102例少年儿童葡萄膜炎临床分析[J]. 中华眼底病杂志, 2010, 26(5)
作者姓名:郭春英  杨柳
摘    要:目的 观察分析少年儿童葡萄膜炎的病程、病因及并发症.方法 回顾分析102例少年儿童葡萄膜炎患者的临床资料.患儿年龄2.5~16.0岁,平均年龄11.9岁.均进行常规视力、裂隙灯显微镜、检眼镜检查以及相关实验室检查.根据国际葡萄膜炎研究组制定的根据解削位置分类的标准对疾病进行诊断、分类.回顾分析时,对患者发病眼别、复发情况、炎症部位、病因、并发症等临床资料进行归纳比较.结果 102例葡萄膜炎患儿共170只眼受累,双眼受累68例,占66.6%.前葡萄膜炎38例,占37.3%;中间葡萄膜炎19例,占18.6%;后葡萄膜炎10例,占9.8%;全葡萄膜炎35例,占34.3%.发病至就诊时间为5 d~2.4年,平均发病时间3.6个月,治疗及随访时间为2周~10余年.病因前3位为幼年慢性关节炎、Vogt-Koyanagi Harada综合征、Behcet病.36例患儿发生并发症,包括并发性白内障19例,继发性青光眼7例,角膜带状变性5例,虹膜前后粘连12例,继发性视网膜脱离1例,眼球萎缩2例.因幼年慢性关节炎全身和局部使用糖皮质激素出现双侧股骨头坏死而行双髋关节置换1例.有10例患儿出现2种以上并发症.结论 少年儿童葡萄膜炎病因复杂多样,症状多不典型,疾病过程迁延慢长,易出现并发症导致盲目产生.

关 键 词:葡萄膜炎/诊断  儿童  疾病特征

Clinical analysis of pediatric uveitis in 102 children
GUO Chun-ying,YANG Liu. Clinical analysis of pediatric uveitis in 102 children[J]. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2010, 26(5)
Authors:GUO Chun-ying  YANG Liu
Abstract:Objective To analyze the onset, clinical manifestation, causation, complications of pediatric uveitis. MethodsOne hundred and two patients with uveitis under 16 year-old were retrospectively studied. They visited the clinic in Peking University First Hospital from November 1979 to December 2008. Their age ranged from 2.5 to 16 years old, with a mcan of 11.9 years. Routine exam was carried out, including visual acuity, slit lamp, fundus, and laboratory workup. The diagnosis and classification were made by the anatomic location according to the standard of The International Uveitis Working Group. The data of disease history, age of onset, manifestation, recurrence, causation, systemic diseases, complications, and lab examination were analyzed. Results A total of 102 patients (170 eyes)with pediatric uveitis were included in this study, 68 patients (66.6%) were bilateral cases. Anterior uveitis represented in 38 patients (37.3% ), intermediate uveitis in 19 (18.6%), posterior uveitis in 10 (9.8%),and panuveitis in 35 (34.3%). The disease duration was from five days to 2.4 years, with a mean of 3.6 months. The follow-up time was two weeks to more than ten years. The first three causes of pediatric uveitis were juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Vogt-Koyanagi Harada disease, and Behcet's disease. 36 patients were found with complications, and among them 19 had complicated cataract, seven had secondary glaucoma, five had corneal band dystrophy, 12 had iris synechia (both anterior and posterior), one had retinal detachment, two had eye atrophy, and one patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis had bilateral femoral head necrosis because of the use of steroid and hip joint was replaced. There were ten children suffering more than two complications. Conclusions Pediatric uveitis is a possible blindness disease with variety of etiology and manifestations, and tends to cause complications. Early and special attention must be taken to avoid serious consequences.
Keywords:Uveitis/diagnosis  Child  Disease attributes
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