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引用本文:杨杰,潘桂娟. 《黄帝内经》脉学知识探讨[J]. 中国中医基础医学杂志, 2007, 13(12): 887-889
作者姓名:杨杰  潘桂娟
摘    要:《黄帝内经》并非脉学专著,但书中有大量篇幅论述脉学的理论与临床实践,收录了十分丰富的脉诊资料,包括脉法、脉名、脉象、主病、诊脉时间、诊脉方法、色脉关系等诸多方面的内容。《内经》中的脉诊专篇,有《素问·脉要精微论》、《素问·平人气象论》、《素问·玉机真脏论》、《素问·三部九候论》、《灵枢·论疾诊尺》等。由于《内经》非一人一时之作,因而整部著作中有关脉诊的论述缺乏系统性,其内容散见于多个篇论之中。即便是主要论述脉诊的篇论中,也夹杂其他各方面的内容。但是《内经》仍不失为脉学起源与发展过程中最具有指导意义的经…

关 键 词:  中医基础理论  黄帝内经

Discussion on Pulse Knowledge in the Canon of Internal Medicine
YANG Jie,PAN Gui-juan. Discussion on Pulse Knowledge in the Canon of Internal Medicine[J]. Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine In Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007, 13(12): 887-889
Authors:YANG Jie  PAN Gui-juan
Abstract:There is the rich vein of knowledge about the meaning of "pulse" in "the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic",which is much broader understanding than the modern.The Pulse has two aspects of function and form.The latter includes blood vessels,meridian and tendons passages."The pulse" is the object,which can be treated and checkup.Pulse Treatment includes pushing,bombing,grasping,and so on;Pulse Diagnosis includes Pulse Dynamic Pulse Diagnosis,Pulse Gas Diagnosis and Pulse Color Diagnosis.Therefore,the knowledge of Pulse of Chinese medicine needs further vein to explore and research.
Keywords:The Pulse  basic theories of Chinese medicine   the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic  
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