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Incidence of chromosome 21 disomy in human spermatozoa as determined by fluorescent in-situ hybridization
Authors:Blanco, J.   Egozcue, J.   Vidal, F.
Affiliation:Unitat de Biologia Cellular, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma Barcelona 08193-Bellaterra, Spain
We have evaluated the incidence of chromosome 21 disomy in decondensedsperm heads from nine normal men using a locus-specific DNAprobe for chromosome 21, and a centromeric probe for chromosome6 as a control. The results show that the incidence of chromosome21 disomy (0.38%) is significantly higher than disomy for chromosome6 (0.14%). No differences were found among the individuals analysed.
Keywords:chromosome 21/disomy/spermatozoa
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