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CD38 expression on mouse T cells: CD38 defines functionally distinct subsets of {alpha}{beta} TCR+CD4 CD8 thymocytes
Authors:Bean, Andrew G. D.   Godfrey, Dale I.   Ferlin, Walter G.   Santos-Argumedo, Leopoldo   Parkhouse, R. Michael E.   Howard, Maureen C.   Zlotnik, Albert
Affiliation:DNAX Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Inc , 901 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
1Present address: Centra de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N., Apdo. Postal 14-740, México 07000, D.F.
2 2institute for Animal Health, Pilbright Laboratory Ash Road, Pilbright, Woking GU24 ONF, UK
Abstract:We have examined CD38 expression on mouse lymphocytes usingthe rat mAb NIM-R5 and demonstrate that CD38 expression is restrictedto {small tilde}8% of thymocytes. Although CD38 is absent fromthe majority of CD4+ CD8 and CD4CD8+ T cells,we detected a strong correlation between CD36 expression and{alpha}ß+CD4CD8 T cells in the thymus, withnearly 80% of {alpha}ß TCR+CD4CD8 thymocytesbeing CD38+. Using heat stable antigen (HSA) and CD38, we divided{alpha}ß+CD4+CD8 thymocytes into four subsets: HSA+CD38,HSA CD38hi, HSACD3810low and HSA CD38.Two established characteristics of {alpha}ß TCR+CD4CD8cells, bias towards Vß 8.2 TCR expression and highlevels of IL-4 production, were used to establish a possiblerelationship between the above thymocyte subsets. Our presentdata show that the HSA+CD38 subset is not biased towardsVß8.2 TCR expression whereas the HSA CD38subset does show this bias (–47%). Neither of these subsetsmake IL-4 upon CD3 mediated stimulation. In contrast, the CD38+subsets are heavily biased toward Vß8.2 expressionand produce large amounts of IL-4 upon stimulation, particularlythe CD38low cells. Taken together, these data suggest that thesefour subsets represent various stages of a possible differentiationpathway for {alpha}ß TCR+ CD4CD8 cells, withthe HSA+CD38 subset being the most Immature while theHSACD38low subset is the most functionally mature. Thesecharacteristics support the view that ap TCR+CD4CD8T cells represent an independent lineage with a distinct, butas yet obscure, role in immunity
Keywords:CD4/CD8/CD38 analysis, receptors,   /math/alpha.gif"   ALT="  {alpha}"   BORDER="  0"     T cells, T lymphocyte subsets
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