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Parvovirus B19 infection and Diamond-Blackfan anaemia
Authors:ED Heegaard  H Hale  N Clausen  A Hornsleth  GB Kerndrup
Affiliation:Institute of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen;Department of Paediatrics, Odense University Hospital, Odense;Department of Paediatrics, Aarhus Kommunehospital, Aarhus, Denmark;Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital, Odense
Abstract:It is the purpose of the study to report the frequency of parvovirus in children with a diagnosis of Diamond-Blackfan anaemia and to discuss the possible aetiological role of parvovirus in Diamond-Blackfan anaemia. We found parvovirus DNA in 3 of 11 bone marrow smears. Giant pronormoblasts showed low sensitivity (33%) and poor specificity (75%). The presence of giant pronormoblasts was associated with a very high myeloid: erythroid ratio, and may not be specific for parvovirus infection, but a feature of severely suppressed erythropoiesis. The three parvovirus-positive patients were the only children who experienced a remission, and who are free of medication. The seven surviving parvovirus-negative patients are all currently on steroid treatment.
Keywords:Diamond-Blackfan anaemia    parvovirus B19    polymerase chain reaction
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