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抗生素治疗时限对化脓性脑膜患儿脑脊液细菌16s rRNA基因检测的影响
引用本文:郑可鲁,杨思达,高媛媛,陈文雄,黄怡玲,张雅妮. 抗生素治疗时限对化脓性脑膜患儿脑脊液细菌16s rRNA基因检测的影响[J]. 国际病理科学与临床杂志, 2016, 0(9): 1288-1292. DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.09.009
作者姓名:郑可鲁  杨思达  高媛媛  陈文雄  黄怡玲  张雅妮
基金项目:广州市卫生局课题项目(20151A010050)。@@@@Health Bureau of Guangzhou(20151A010050),P. R. China
摘    要:目的:研究抗生素治疗时限对化脓性脑膜患儿脑脊液细菌16s rRNA基因检测的影响。方法:选取2014年2月至2016年3月在我院收治的化脓性脑膜炎患儿60例。对所有患儿予以16s rRNA基因检测和脑脊液细菌培养检测,比较两种方法检测结果,观察抗生素使用对两种检测方法的影响。结果:脑脊液细菌培养阳性率显著低于16s rRNA基因芯片检测阳性率[15%(9/60) vs.35%(21/60)](P<0.05)。抗生素应用早期的16s rRNA基因检测阳性率和抗生素使用后期的阳性率比较差异不显著[36.67%(11/30) vs.33.33%(10/30)](P>0.05);抗生素使用早期的脑脊液细菌培养阳性率显著高于抗生素应用后期的阳性率[13.33%(4/30) vs.0.00%(0/30)](P<0.05)。结论:和脑脊液培养相比,16s rRNA基因芯片法检测化脓性脑膜患儿脑脊液细菌受抗生素治疗时限的影响更小。

关 键 词:化脓性脑膜炎  脑脊液  16s rRNA基因  抗生素

The effects of antibiotic treatment time limit for children with purulent meningeal cerebrospinal fluid bacterial 16s rRNA genes detection
Abstract:Objective: To study the effects of antibiotic treatment time limit for children with purulent meningeal cerebrospinal lfuid bacterial 16s rRNA genes detection.Methods: From February 2014 to March 2016, selected 60 cases of patients with suppurative meningeal cerebrospinal lfuid in our hospital. All children were given 16s rRNA gene detection and cerebrospinal lfuid bacterial culture, compared the results of the two methods, and observed the effects of antibiotic on two kinds of detection methods.Results: hTe positive rate of CSF germiculture was signiifcantly lower than that of 16s rRNA gene chip testing [15% (9/60) vs. 35% (21/60)] (P<0.05). 16s rRNA genes detection positive rate of early and late antibiotic application had no signiifcant difference [36.67% (11/30) vs. 33.33% (10/30)] (P>0.05); cerebrospinal fluid germiculture positive rate in early antibiotic application were higher than that in late antibiotic application [13.33% (4/30) vs. 0.00% (0/30)] (P<0.05).Conclusion: Compared with CSF cultures, 16s rRNA gene chip method detection in cerebrospinal lfuid bacteria of suppurative meningeal children is less affected by pmin of antibiotic treatment.
Keywords:suppurative meningeal  cerebrospinal lfuid  16s rRNA genes  antibiotics
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