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Effects comparés du muscimol et du diazépam sur les inhibitions du comportement induites chez le rat par la nouveauté, la punition et le non-renforcement
Authors:M. H. Thiébot  A. Jobert  P. Soubrié
Affiliation:(1) Unité de Recherche de Neuropsychopharmacologie de l'INSERM, 2, rue d'Alésia, F-75014 Paris, France
Abstract:Diazepam and muscimol, a direct GABA agonist, were compared on behavioral inhibition induced in rats by (1) novelty, (2) punishment, and (3) nonreward.(1) Muscimol (0.03–0.25 mg·kg-1 i.p. 30 min before testing, or i.v. immediately before testing) failed to enhance food intake consistently in a nonfamiliar situation and (0.125–0.5 mg · kg-1 i.p. or i.v.) to increase the ingestion of an unknown food (chocolate); (2) muscimol (0.125–0.5 mg · kg-1 i.p. or 0.25 i.v. 10 min before testing) was ineffective in reducing the inhibition of lever presses for food elicited by the delivery of an electric shock at every eighth press; (3) muscimol (0.125–0.5 mg · kg-1 i.p.) failed to attenuate the inhibitory effects on responding induced by the suppression of the reinforcement during extinction.Contrastingly, diazepam (2 mg · kg-1 i.p. 30 min before testing) was found to reduce each type of behavioral inhibition.These data lend no support to the hypotheses of GABA control of behavioral inhibition and of GABA involvement in the action of benzodiazepines on inhibition induced by novelty, punishment, or nonreward.
Keywords:Muscimol  Diazepam  GABA  Behavioral inhibition  Punishment  Nonreward
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