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引用本文:张亚杰,张菱. 多囊卵巢综合征妊娠患者的产科结局[J]. 国际妇产科学杂志, 2009, 36(6): 427-429
作者姓名:张亚杰  张菱
摘    要:多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是生育期妇女最常见的生殖内分泌疾病,病因至今未明。高雄激素、胰岛素抵抗(IR)及高胰岛素血症是PCOS的病理生理基础。由于PCOS患者特殊的病理生理特点,妊娠后可能会并发流产、妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)、妊娠高血压疾病等合并症。充分认识PCOS患者的妊娠期并发症及新生儿结局,有针对性地预防和治疗母儿并发症,对保障母婴健康有重要意义。

关 键 词:多囊卵巢综合征  产科结局  胰岛素抵抗

The Obstetrics Outcome in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
ZHANG Ya-jie,ZHANG Ling. The Obstetrics Outcome in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome[J]. Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009, 36(6): 427-429
Authors:ZHANG Ya-jie  ZHANG Ling
Affiliation:Jinan Maternal and Children Hospital, Jinan 250001, China
Abstract:Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The disease is associated with many characteristic features, including hyperandrogenaemia, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism which may influence the pregnancy outcomes and induce more obstetric diseases such as spontaneous abortion, gestational diabetes mellitus and pregnancy induced hypertension disease. It has great clinical significance to explore the characters of PCOS in pregnant women.
Keywords:Polycystic ovary syndrome  Obstetric complications  Insulin resistance  
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