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Spontaneous ventral urethral fistula in a young healty man and a modified surgical technique of urethral fistula repair
Authors:Ali Akkoc  Ahmet Metin
Affiliation:*Department of Urology, Diyarbakir Education and Research Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey;;Department of Urology, Abant Izzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine, Bolu, Turkey
Abstract:Urethral fistula is rare and is usually a complication of penile and urethral surgery. A few congenital cases have been reported. Also, one acquired spontaneous case in a diabetic man has been reported. We present the first case in the literature of a healthy man with a spontaneous ventral urethral fistula, with unknown etiology. We performed a modified technique of urethral fistula repair (four-layer technique).
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