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Enhanced repair of O6-methylguanine in liver DNA of rats pretreated with phenobarbital, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, ethionine, or N-alkyl-N-nitrosoureas
Authors:Engelse, Leo Den   Floot, Ben G.J.   Menkveld, Gerda J.   Tates, Ad.D.
Affiliation:Division of Chemical Carcinogenesis, The Netherlands Cancer Institute (Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Huis) Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam
1Department of Radiation Genetics and Chemical Mutagencsis, State University of Leiden P.O. Box 9503, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Rats were pretreated for a number of weeks with the liver tumourpromoters phenobarbital and 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodi-benzo-p-dioxin,the direct alkylating agents N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea,and the hepatocardnogens ethionine and diethylnitrosamine. Asubsequent challenge with a single, low dose of radioactivelylabelled dimethyl-nitrosamine was given to assay the capacityof the liver for O6-methylguanine repair. Pretreatment with0.05% phenobarbital in the diet for 8 weeks (a promoting regimen)resulted in significantly enhanced O6-methylguanine repair;shorter pretreatment periods (3 days or 2 weeks) had no significanteffect. Repeated injection of another liver tumour promoter,2,3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-/>-dioxin, also resulted inenhancement of O6methylguanine repair. Pretreatment for 2 weekswith N-ethyl-N‘-nitrosourea resulted in strongly enhancedO6-methylguanine repair, as did a similar pretreatment withdiethylnitrosamine, which was included as a positive control.The same pretreatment scheme which was highly effective in thecase of N’-ethyl-N-nitrosoiirea, was found to be totallyin effective in the case of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. When N methyl-N-nitrosoureawas administered for 8 weeks instead of 2, a small but statisticallysignificant increase in O6-methyl-guanine repair was observed.It is concluded that two factors are responsible for the loweffectivity of N-methyl-N-nitroso-urea. The first is the relativelylow extent of liver DNA methylation by this compound when comparedwith dimethyl-nitrosamine. The second is the low efficiencyof methylating agents (expressed per extent of DNA alkylation)to induce O6-methylguanine repair in rat liver when comparedwith ethylating agents. Pretreatment for 2 weeks with a dietcontaining DL-ethionine also resulted in a substantially increasedO6-methylguanine repair capacity. Neither this enhancement,nor that induced by a pretreatment with diethylnitrosamine,could be inhibited by simultaneous feeding of a methionine-enricheddiet. Our results indicate that neither increased hepatocellularproliferation nor direct interaction with DNA are necessaryfor the induction of O6-methylguanine repair enhancement. Itis concluded that the capacity of an agent to enhance O6-methylguaninerepair in rat liver reflects the hepato(co)carcinogenic capacityof that agent.
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