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Retrospective Experiences of First-Episode Psychosis Treatment Under Open Dialogue-Based Services: A Qualitative Study
Authors:Bergstr&#  m,Tomi,Seikkula,Jaakko,Holma,Juha,K&#  ng&#  s-Saviaro,P&#  ivi,Taskila, Jyri J.,Alakare,Birgitta
Affiliation:Bergström,Tomi,Seikkula,Jaakko,Holma,Juha,Köngäs-Saviaro,Päivi,Taskila, Jyri J.,Alakare,Birgitta
Abstract:Community Mental Health Journal - Open Dialogue (OD) is an integrated approach to mental health care, which has demonstrated promising outcomes in the treatment of first-episode psychosis (FEP) in...
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