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On the use of approximate entropy and sample entropy with centre of pressure time-series
Authors:Luis Montesinos  Rossana Castaldo  Leandro Pecchia
Affiliation:1.School of Engineering,University of Warwick,Coventry,UK;2.Escuela de Ingenieria y Ciencias,Tecnologico de Monterrey,Mexico,Mexico;3.Institute of Advanced Study,University of Warwick,Coventry,UK


Approximate entropy (ApEn) and sample entropy (SampEn) have been previously used to quantify the regularity in centre of pressure (COP) time-series in different experimental groups and/or conditions. ApEn and SampEn are very sensitive to their input parameters: m (subseries length), r (tolerance) and N (data length). Yet, the effects of changing those parameters have been scarcely investigated in the analysis of COP time-series. This study aimed to investigate the effects of changing parameters m, r and N on ApEn and SampEn values in COP time-series, as well as the ability of these entropy measures to discriminate between groups.


A public dataset of COP time-series was used. ApEn and SampEn were calculated for m?=?{2, 3, 4, 5}, r?=?{0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5} and N?=?{600, 1200} (30 and 60?s, respectively). Subjects were stratified in young adults (age?n?=?85), and older adults (age?≥?60) with (n?=?18) and without (n?=?56) falls in the last year. The effects of changing parameters m, r and N on ApEn and SampEn were investigated with a three-way ANOVA. The ability of ApEn and SampEn to discriminate between groups was investigated with a mixed ANOVA (within-subject factors: m, r and N; between-subject factor: group). Specific combinations of m, r and N producing significant differences between groups were identified using the Tukey’s honest significant difference procedure.


A significant three-way interaction between m, r and N confirmed the sensitivity of ApEn and SampEn to the input parameters. SampEn showed a higher consistency and ability to discriminate between groups than ApEn. Significant differences between groups were mostly observed in longer (N?=?1200) COP time-series in the anterior-posterior direction. Those differences were observed for specific combinations of m and r, highlighting the importance of an adequate selection of input parameters.


Future studies should favour SampEn over ApEn and longer time-series (≥ 60?s) over shorter ones (e.g. 30?s). The use of parameter combinations such as SampEn (m?=?{4, 5}, r?=?{0.25, 0.3, 0.35}) is recommended.
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