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Effect of a retrograde-viewing device on adenoma detection rate during colonoscopy: the TERRACE study
Authors:Leufkens Anke M,DeMarco Daniel C,Rastogi Amit,Akerman Paul A,Azzouzi Kassem,Rothstein Richard I,Vleggaar Frank P,Repici Alessandro,Rando Giacomo,Okolo Patrick I,Dewit Olivier,Ignjatovic Ana,Odstrcil Elizabeth,East James,Deprez Pierre H,Saunders Brian P,Kalloo Anthony N,Creel Bradley,Singh Vikas,Lennon Anne Marie,Siersema Peter D  Third Eye Retroscope Randomized Clinical Evaluation [TERRACE] Study Group
Affiliation:Current affiliations: University Medical Center Utrecht (A.M. Leufkens, P.D.S., F.P.V.), Utrecht, the Netherlands, Baylor University Medical Center (D.C.D., E.O., B.C.), Dallas, Texas, USA, Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center (A.R., V.S.), Kansas City, Missouri, USA, Bayside Endoscopy Center (P.A.A.), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (K.A., P.H.D., O.D.), Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (R.I.R.), Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA, Istituto Clinico Humanitas (A.R., G.R.), Milan, Italy, Johns Hopkins Hospital (P.I.O., A.N.K., A.M. Lennon), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, St. Mark's Hospital (A.I., J.E., B.P.S.), London, United Kingdom
Keywords:ADR, adenoma detection rate   ITT, intent to treat   PDR, polyp detection rate   SC, standard colonoscopy   TEC, Third Eye colonoscopy   TER, Third Eye Retroscope
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