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Oscillatory transient inward currents in ventricular myocytes of healthy versus myopathic Syrian hamster
Authors:Wu Sze-Hsueh  Chen Yao-Chang  Higa Satoshi  Lin Cheng-I
Affiliation:Institute of Pharmacology, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
The present experiments were performed in order to study abnormal action potential configuration and ion channel activity in ventricular myocytes obtained from 23 male myopathic Syrian hamsters (Biobreeders strain 14.6, 32-52 weeks old) compared with 10 age-matched healthy control hamsters (Biobreeders F1B) by means of whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. The results show that the myopathic myocytes had a longer action potential duration, a reduced transient outward K(+) current on depolarization and a smaller transient inward current on repolarization after prolonged depolarizing pulses (> 500 msec). However, the L-type Ca(2+) current and the inwardly rectifing K(+) current were not significantly different from those of healthy myocytes. The oscillatory transient inward currents could be diminished by treatment with ryanodine (0.01-1 micromol/L), a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release channel blocker, or with Na(+)-free superfusate. We conclude that the hereditary myopathic hamsters are less likely to develop delayed after depolarization-related transient inward currents and triggered arrhythmias owing to a smaller SR Ca(2+) content.
Keywords:action potential duration    cardiomyopathy    membrane currents    myocytes    Syrian hamster    triggered arrhythmia    whole-cell voltage clamp
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