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Polysaccharid-Strukturen von Zellwand-Präparaten aus der Futtereiweiß-Hefe Candida spec. H
Authors:J. Nü  ske,H. D. Grimmecke,G. Reuter
More than 27% of the cell wall are unstably bound components: Proteophosphomannan as a main polysaccharide of the cell wall, mannose and manno-oligosides which are bound to peptides or phosphate. 19% are glycosidically linked with a phosphate bridge or 0-glycosidically (Ser/Thr) linked with the protein which is covalently bound to the cell wall. Besides mannose and glucose, manno-oligosides and gluco-oligosides are involved in this linkage. A preparation consisting of glucan and chitin remains after careful degradation. It contains (1,2)-, (1,3)- and (1,6)- linked glucose, (1,2,3)-, (1,2,6)- or (1,3,6)-glucose-branchpoints and (1,4)-linked N-acetylglucosamine.
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