Einfluß von Phosphatmangel auf Wachstum und makromolekulare Zellzusammensetzung von Candida spec. H |
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Authors: | B. Brü ckner,R. Tr ger |
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Affiliation: | B. Brückner,R. Tröger |
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Abstract: | With Candida spec. H during phosphate starvation the changes occurring in the macromolecular cell composition and growth parameters were studies. In the absence of exogenous phosphate, but in the presence of carbon source (n-alkanes or glucose) and nitrogen source, the cells exponentially grow some time, whereas cell composition undergoes several changes. Both the lated, especially with n-alkanes as carbon source. The carbohydrate content increased only slight, although the carbon source was in excess. The results were discussed. |
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