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引用本文:乔光彦,冯兰滨,李得垣,袁建华,于秀华. 两种不同类型肺吸虫病的临床流行病学[J]. 中国医科大学学报, 1988, 0(5)
作者姓名:乔光彦  冯兰滨  李得垣  袁建华  于秀华
摘    要:肺吸虫病30例,其中宽甸地区26例,临床以胸痛、血痰、X线胸片肺内病灶及痰检虫卵阳性为主;桦甸地区4例,则以高热、嗜酸性细胞显著增高和肝功明显异常为主,痰检虫卵阴性。经病原生物学和遗传学检查,认为导致不同临床型的卫氏肺吸虫在生物学形态上无显著差异,染色体核型分别属三倍体型和二倍体型。这一结果对临床有指导意义。

关 键 词:肺吸虫病  并殖吸虫病  染色体

Qiao Guangyan,et al. CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLCGY ON TWO FORMS OF PARAGONIMIASIS[J]. Journal of China Medical University, 1988, 0(5)
Authors:Qiao Guangyan  et al
Abstract:Thirty cases of paragonimiasis were studied. 26 cases of them came from Kuandian county, Liaoning province. The cliniCal manifestations were main complaints of chest pain with blocdy sputum in first, in which P. oggs were easy found, and the chest foci were usually present on X-ray examination. The causing worms were known as suitable rarassitic form. The other 4 cases of them came from Huadian county, Jilin province. Their clinical manifestations, however, were high fever and abnormal liver furctions, An cosinophilia was prominent. P. eggs were always negative in the sputum.The causing worms were known as unsuitable rarasitic forms.In the morphology, there were no differencc between the two worm species of Westermeni paragonimus which. causing quite different clinical pictures. However,on idiogram studics, we fcund that it was triscmy in suitable parasitic form, of which the adult worms took monosexual form on repreduction. Besides, the chromcstmes were dirlcid in unsuitable parasitic form of which, the adult worms took the sexual form on reprcduction. The discovery might be helpful to clinical practice.
Keywords:Paragonimiasis  Chromosomes
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