Abstract: | Department of Surgery, Peiping Union Medical College, Pcleing, China Primary carcirioma of the scalp seems to be a rare conditiontas we failed to find any collective study of such cases in the Englishliterature. According to Hu and Chin (1), in the western countries,basal cell carcinoma is much more common than squamous cellcarcinoma, but in China it is less frequent. Furtbermore, this affec-tion presents peculiar features in its course and treatment which arequite different from cancers of other internal or external organs ofthe body. For these reasons, we feel that an analysis of the 35 casesseen in the Peiping Union Medical College Hospital, in a period oftwenty years, may be reported. In each instance, except three, thediagnosis was established by histopathological examination of thetumor tissue; these cases were admitted to the Surgical and TumorServices. The three exceptions were patients who entered the hospitalfor conditions other than the tumor itself, and the diagnosis wasbased upon general physical examination. |