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引用本文:陈伟,杜昕,何广学,成诗明,许卫国,郑素华,万利亚,赵丰曾,金水高. 结核病专科医院在结核病防治中作用的调查研究[J]. 中国预防医学杂志, 2011, 0(4): 345-348
作者姓名:陈伟  杜昕  何广学  成诗明  许卫国  郑素华  万利亚  赵丰曾  金水高
摘    要:
目的了解结核病专科医院在结核病防治工作中的作用和存在的问题。方法在全国选取了3家省级结核病专科医院进行了现场调查。结果 3家省级结核病专科医院结核病床位数均在200张以上、结核病诊疗专业人员中高级职称占51.58%,设备和实验室方面优势明显。但是对患者的诊治不够规范,结核病患者的平均住院时间约为20 d;出院患者未按归口管理要求进行转诊且存在一定的中断治疗现象,部分医院患者疗程结束时失访率为90%左右;实验室痰检缺乏质控、质量有待提高;专科医院未纳入国家结核病防治工作体系,负担重,可持续发展能力不足。结论应充分发挥结核病专科医院在诊治疑难、危急重症、耐药结核病患者等方面的重要作用,将其纳入国家结核病防治工作体系,在政策和专项防治经费上给予一定的支持。

关 键 词:结核病  专科医院  作用  调查分析

The study on the functions of the provincial TB special hospital in the TB control and prevention
CHEN Wei,DU Xin,HE Guang-xue,CHENG Shi-ming,XU Wei-guo,ZHENG Su-hua,WAN Li-ya,ZHAO Feng-zeng,JIN Shui-gao.National Center for Tuberculosis Control , Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control , Prevention,Bejing ,China. The study on the functions of the provincial TB special hospital in the TB control and prevention[J]. China Preventive Medicine, 2011, 0(4): 345-348
Authors:CHEN Wei  DU Xin  HE Guang-xue  CHENG Shi-ming  XU Wei-guo  ZHENG Su-hua  WAN Li-ya  ZHAO Feng-zeng  JIN Shui-gao.National Center for Tuberculosis Control    Prevention  Chinese Center for Disease Control    Prevention  Bejing   China
Affiliation:CHEN Wei,DU Xin,HE Guang-xue,CHENG Shi-ming,XU Wei-guo,ZHENG Su-hua,WAN Li-ya,ZHAO Feng-zeng,JIN Shui-gao.National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Bejing 102206,China
Objective To find out the functions and the problems of the special hospital in prevention of tuberculosis.Methods A field survey had been implemented in 3 provincial special hospitals.Results Provincial tuberculosis hospitals had many advantages such as the sufficient medical staffs with professional title,advanced equipments and the sufficient beds.But some problems existed such as the diagnosis and therapy of TB patients,lack of qualitative control in laboratory sputum examination and the special hospita...
Keywords:Tuberculosis  Special hospital  Function  Investigation  
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