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引用本文:吴学芳,奂忠平,但莉. 宜昌市弱势儿童龋病及口腔卫生状况调查[J]. 临床口腔医学杂志, 2003, 19(9): 550-551
作者姓名:吴学芳  奂忠平  但莉
摘    要:目的:了解宜昌市聋哑学校8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童患龋情况及口腔卫生状况。方法:随机抽取聋哑学校98名8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童进行口腔卫生状况、龋病调查,参照全国第2次口腔流行病学调查方案调查。结果:宜昌市聋哑学校8—12岁盲、弱、聋哑儿童乳牙患龋率66.33%,龋均3.01,充填率为0,恒牙患龋率67.35%,龋均1.49,充填率5.48%。结论:盲、弱、聋哑儿童患龋率均高,充填率极低,口腔卫生状况差,牙龈炎流行,提请社会对于这一弱势群体的口腔健康状况给予更多关爱。

关 键 词:龋病  口腔卫生  残疾儿童

Survey and analyse of caries, oral hygiene status in Yichang disabled children
WU Xue-fang,HUAN Zhong-ping,DAN Li. Deparment of Stomatology,Yi Chang Central Hospital,Yichang ,china. Survey and analyse of caries, oral hygiene status in Yichang disabled children[J]. Journal of Clinical Stomatology, 2003, 19(9): 550-551
Authors:WU Xue-fang  HUAN Zhong-ping  DAN Li. Deparment of Stomatology  Yi Chang Central Hospital  Yichang   china
Affiliation:WU Xue-fang,HUAN Zhong-ping,DAN Li. Deparment of Stomatology,Yi Chang Central Hospital,Yichang 443003,china
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the status of caries and oral hygiene among 8-12 year-old blinded, Weak-minded and deaf-muted children from Yichang school for deaf-mutes. Method: Consulting the criterion formulated by the second national epidemiological survey program for oral diseases, 98 8-12 year-old disabled children were extracted at random for oral hygiene and caries investigation. Result: Among this special children group in yichang, the incidence of caries in deciduous teeth is 66.33%, average decayed teeth is 3.01, and the filled ratio is 0%. In permanent teeth, they are respectively 67.35%, 1.49 and5.48%.Conclusion: The disabled children have hign incidence of dental caries, prevailing gingivitis and bad oral hygiene with little medical care, which calls for the whole society's solicitude for the oral health in this children group.
Keywords:caries  oral hygiene  disabled children
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