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引用本文:李文鼎,王意,汪文昊,吴蒙,许雪丹,刘烈刚,蒙衡. 我国高校预防医学本科生专业认同状况及其影响因素的调查研究[J]. 中国社会医学杂志, 2017, 34(5). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5625.2017.05.007
作者姓名:李文鼎  王意  汪文昊  吴蒙  许雪丹  刘烈刚  蒙衡
摘    要:
目的 研究我国高校预防医学本科生的专业认同度及其影响因素.方法 于2015年11月对我国6所高等院校1503名预防医学本科生进行问卷调查.结果 1503名预防医学本科生的专业认同度平均得分为55.4±0.4分,认知度、美誉度、喜好度、匹配度和投入度得分依次为:63.5±0.4分,63.0±0.5分,55.2±0.5分,51.9±0.4分,50.5±0.5分.男性、四年级、高考发挥不理想、调剂志愿是低专业认同度的主要危险因素,近亲中有医务工作者、父母高学历的学生专业认同度高.结论 我国高校预防医学本科生的专业认同度偏低.高校可通过加强对特定群体的干预、早期培养专业兴趣等途径提高学生对预防医学的专业认同.

关 键 词:预防医学  专业认同  本科教育  人才培养

An Investigative Study on Professional Identity and Its Influencing Factors of Preventive Medicine Undergraduates of Universities in China
LI Wending,WANG Yi,WANF Wenhao,WU Meng,XU Xuedan,LIU Liegang,MENG Heng. An Investigative Study on Professional Identity and Its Influencing Factors of Preventive Medicine Undergraduates of Universities in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine, 2017, 34(5). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5625.2017.05.007
Authors:LI Wending  WANG Yi  WANF Wenhao  WU Meng  XU Xuedan  LIU Liegang  MENG Heng
Objectives To investigate the professional identity(specialty identity)and its influencing factors of pre-ventive medicine undergraduates in China's high-level universities.Methods The investigation was carried out by questionnaire in the november of 2015 among a population of 1 503 undergraduates in 6 high-level universi-ties.Results The average score of professional identity level was 55.4±0.4,the scores of its 5 subordinate dimen-sions,namely awareness level,reputation level,affection level,matching level and involvement level were 63.5±0.4, 63.0±0.5,55.2±0.5,51.9±0.4,50.5±0.5 respectively.Male,grade four,underperformance in college entrance examination,assigned college major were considered major risk factors for low professional identity level.Having close relatives in medical field and high parents'education background also have positive influence on students'pro-fessional identity.Conclusions Among the 6 universities,preventive medicine undergraduates have low average pro-fessional identity.Schools can enhance students'professional identity by imposing intervention on specific groups and cultivating early professional interest among preventive medicine undergraduates.
Keywords:Preventive medicine  Professional identity  Undergraduate education  Talent training
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