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引用本文:况伟宏,李进,马渝根,廖菁. HIV感染者/AIDS病人心理状况及生活质量调查[J]. 四川大学学报(医学版), 2005, 36(1): 97-100
作者姓名:况伟宏  李进  马渝根  廖菁
作者单位:1. 四川大学华西医院,心理卫生中心,成都,610041
2. 四川省皮肤病性病防治研究所
基金项目:中英性病艾滋病防治合作项目 ( SB0 84)资助
摘    要:目的了解HIV感染者/AIDS病人的心理状况、生活质量及其相关因素。方法选择四川省HIV感染率和AIDS患病率较高的两个县(资中县和凉山州昭觉县)作为目标社区,在目标社区内共计调查了71名HIV感染者/AIDS病人和97名健康者,选用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、生活质量综合评定问卷(GQOLI-74)、社会支持评定量表(SSS)及自制的一般情况记录表收集相关资料,对数据进行统计学分析。结果HIV感染者/AIDS病人的SAS和SDS评分高于正常对照(分别为t=5.343,t=5.272,P值均<0.001);HIV感染者/AIDS病人GQOLI-74总分、各维度分均低于正常对照(分别为F=36.512,F=2.386,F=11.046,F=31.616,F-34.235,P值均<0.01);HIV感染者/AIDS病人的SAS和SDS评分与疾病状况、物质滥用、社会支持及生活质量存在明显相关性;HIV感染者/AIDS病人的生活质量总分与疾病状况、社会支持存在明显相关性。结论焦虑和抑郁情绪在HIV感染者/AIDS病人中普遍存在,这些负性情绪主要与较多的疾病状况和物质滥用、较少的社会支持及较低的生活质量等因素有关;HIV感染者/AIDS病人的生活质量普遍较低,这主要与较多的疾病状况、较少的社会支持有关。

关 键 词:HIV感染者/AIDS病人 抑郁 焦虑 生活质量

Survey on Psychologic Status and Quality of Life for HIV Infected People or AIDS Patients
Wei-hong Kuang,Jin Li,Yu-gen Ma,Jing Liao. Survey on Psychologic Status and Quality of Life for HIV Infected People or AIDS Patients[J]. Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition, 2005, 36(1): 97-100
Authors:Wei-hong Kuang  Jin Li  Yu-gen Ma  Jing Liao
Affiliation:Institute of Mental Health, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China. kwhhlj@163.com
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To make a comparison on the psychologic status and quality of life between HIV infected people/AIDS patients and noninfected people in two counties (Zizhong and Zhaojue) with high rates of AIDS morbidity and HIV infection. METHODS: The psychologic status and quality of life for 71 HIV infected people or AIDS patients and 97 non-infected people were measured by a questionnaire containing SAS, SDS, GQOLI-74 and SSS. Data were analyzed with SPSS. RESULTS: SDS and SAS scores for HIV/AIDS people were significantly higher than those for non-infected people (t=5.343, t=5.272; P<0.001). Total GQOL-74 scores for HIV/AIDS people were significantly lower than those for non-infected people [total scores for HIV/AIDS people 52.20 (9.41), for non-infected people 66.36 (8.90); P<0.001]. The score in each of the four dimensionalities (physical function, psychological function, social function and material status) for HIV/AIDS people was lower than that for non-infected people (P<0.01). SDS and SAS scores of HIV/AIDS people were significantly correlated with disease status, substances abuse, social support and quality of life. GQOLI-74 scores of HIV/AIDS people were significantly correlated with disease status and social support. CONCLUSION: Depression and anxiety exist commonly among the HIV/AIDS people, and these negative emotions are particularly related to the severity of their disease, substances abuse and lack of social support. The quality of life of HIV/AIDS people is significantly lower than that of the general population, and this is particularly related to the severity of their disease, lack of social support and low level of quality of life.
Keywords:HIV infected people or AIDS patients Anxiety Depression Quality of life
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