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Redescription of the Lutztrema (Lutziella) microacetabularae Rohde, 1966 trematode of the Family Dicrocoelidae (Looss, 1899)
Authors:Noor UN-NISA  Wali KHAN  Aly KHAN
Affiliation:1.Vertebrate Pest Control Institute (VPCI), Southern Zone-Agricultural Research Centre (SARC), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), old Block 9 &10 Karachi University Campus Karachi, Pakistan;2.Crop Diseases Research Institute (C.D.R.I), Southern Zone-Agricultural Research Centre (SARC), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), SARC, Karachi University Campus, Karachi, Pakistan


A known species Lutztrema (Lutziella) microacetabularae Rhode, 1966 is being described for the first time from Pakistan. This species is characterized by having body long and slender, oral sucker subterminal, acetabulum smaller than oral sucker lying in anterior third of the body, pharynx small, esophagus prominent which become gradually wider and bifurcates in to two rudimentary caeca. Testes symmetrical at the level of posterior margin of acetabulum separated by uterine coils, cirrus pouch median, pre-acetabular, genital opening some distance behind pharynx. Receptaculumsemin is behind ovary. Ovary submedian, post-testicular, Laurer''s canal present. Vitellaria lateral from the level of testes to a short distance behind middle of the body. Uterus occupies most of the hind body, eggs small, oval, numerous. It is being reported from the rat (Rattusrattus L.) from Swat.
Keywords:Rattusrattus   Small intestine   Trematode   Pakistan
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