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引用本文:董德甫 吴金贵. 铁矿工人肺癌回顾性队列研究[J]. 工业卫生与职业病, 1999, 25(3): 129-134
作者姓名:董德甫 吴金贵
作者单位:[1]鞍钢劳动卫生研究所 [2]河南省安阳职防所
摘    要:

关 键 词:铁矿工人 肺癌 矽肺 回顾性队列 流行病学

Retrospective Cohort Study of Lung Canceramong Iron Miners
Dong Defu et al=. Retrospective Cohort Study of Lung Canceramong Iron Miners[J]. Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases, 1999, 25(3): 129-134
Authors:Dong Defu et al=
A retrospective cohort mortality study was conducted for lung cancer among miners in 15 iron mines in China.The cohort included 16 951 male workers employed before 1971 and followed 1980 and 1989.760(4^5%) of the cohort were lost to follow|up.The analyses of cause|specific mortality were performed,and the mortality of the dust|exposed(miners)population was compared with the dust|unexposed workers population within the cohort.No significant excess of lung cancer was found in 4 groups_underground,open|pit,hematite and magnetite exposure.But when the miners population and each of its groups were divided into two sub|groups_silicotics and non|silicotics,significant excess of the lung cancer risk was observed in all silicotic subgroups.All non|silicotic sub|groups did not show statistically significant excess of the lung cancer risk.
Keywords:Miners Lung cancer Silicosis Retrospective cohort  
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