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Authors:Daniel Tavares REZENDE  Fernando A. M. HERBELLA  Luciana C. SILVA  Sebasti?o PANOCCHIA-NETO  Marco G. PATTI
Affiliation:From the 1.Departamento de Cirurgia, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil (Department of Surgery, Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil);2.Departamento de Cirurgia, Universidade de Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA (Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA)


The upper esophageal sphincter is composed of striated muscle. The stress ofintubation and the need to inhibit dry swallows during an esophageal manometrytest may lead to variations in basal pressure of this sphincter. Upper esophagealsphincter is usually only studied at the final part of the test. Was observedduring the performance of high resolution manometry that sphincter pressure mayvary significantly over the course of the test.


To evaluate the variation of the resting pressure of the upper esophagealsphincter during high resolution manometry.


Was evaluated the variation of the basal pressure of the upper esophagealsphincter during high resolution manometry. Were reviewed the high resolutionmanometry tests of 36 healthy volunteers (mean age 31 years, 55% females). Thebasal pressure of the upper esophageal sphincter was measured at the beginning andat the end of a standard test.


The mean time of the test was eight minutes. The basal pressure of the upperesophageal sphincter was 100 mmHg at the beginning of the test and 70 mmHg at theend (p<0.001). At the beginning, one patient had hypotonic upper esophagealsphincter and 14 hypertonic. At the end of the test, one patient had hypotonicupper esophageal sphincter (same patient as the beginning) and seven hypertonicupper esophageal sphincter.


A significant variation of the basal pressure of the upper esophageal sphincterwas observed in the course of high resolution manometry. Probably, the valueobtained at the end of the test may be more clinically relevant.
Keywords:Esophageal sphincter, upper   Manometry   Pressure
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