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引用本文:甘倩,徐培培,李荔,杨媞媞,曹薇,许娟,潘慧,胡小琪,张倩. 学生营养改善计划2012-2017年学校膳食能量与宏量营养素供应变迁[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2021, 42(3): 342-345. DOI: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2021.03.006
作者姓名:甘倩  徐培培  李荔  杨媞媞  曹薇  许娟  潘慧  胡小琪  张倩
作者单位:中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所/国家卫生健康委微量元素与营养重点实验室,北京 100050
摘    要:目的 了解“农村义务教育学生营养改善计划”(以下简称“营养改善计划”)试点地区学校食堂食物供应中能量与宏量营养素供应变化趋势,为推进中西部贫困农村学校合理供餐、促进儿童健康成长提供基础数据.方法 从2012-2017年,对中西部22省699个国家试点县,按照不同的供餐模式抽取10%的学校进行监测,计算学校每人每天能量和...

关 键 词:营养政策  食品供应  营养状况  膳食调查  农村人口  贫困区  学生

Temporal trend in energy and macronutrients for pilot schools involved in the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students in 2012-2017
Affiliation:National Institute for Nurtrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention/Key Laboratory of Trace Element Nutrition, National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, Beijing(100050), China
Abstract:  Objective  To evaluate temporal trend in food supply among pilot schools involved in the National Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students (NNIPRCES).  Methods  Ten percent of pilot schools were randomly selected and asked to report the information on food supplies. Daily intake of energy, carbohydrates and protein for each student were calculated and compared with the reference value in Nutrition Guidelines of School Meals (WS/T 554-2017).  Results  Energy and protein supply increased among those pilot schools. The supply of energy increased from 1 566.5 kcal in 2012 to 1 927.4 kcal in 2017, protein increased from 49.0 g to 61.0 g. The energy ratio of fat increased from 31.9% to 34.9%, while energy ratio of carbohydrate decreased significantly (F=83.38, 128.36, 20.27 and 17.28, all P < 0.05). The proportion of reasonable energy supply from carbohydrate and fat in 2017 were 17.5% and 26.8%, respectively.  Conclusion  The supply of energy and macronutrients in the pilot areas were unreasonable, more measures including dietary guide and monitoring need to be adopted to improve students' nutrition status among rural areas.
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