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引用本文:霍新北,陈德国,鲁亮,曹官时,肖太钦,王学军,苗明升,张金光,赵志刚. 产卵蚊虫监测装置现场应用效果观察[J]. 中国媒介生物学及控制杂志, 2011, 22(4): 313-315
作者姓名:霍新北  陈德国  鲁亮  曹官时  肖太钦  王学军  苗明升  张金光  赵志刚
作者单位:1. 山东省疾病预防控制中心病媒所,山东省传染病预防控制重点实验室,济南250014
2. 山东师范大学生命科学学院
3. 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所
4. 胜利油田疾病预防控制中心
摘    要:目的通过实验室模拟现场和野外现场实验,观察、评价产卵蚊虫监测装置对产卵蚊虫诱集效果。方法分别在实验室模拟现场和野外现场观察产卵蚊虫诱集器晚间12h诱蚊效果,诱集物为生态水(取自试验现场生境的自然水体)和脱氯自来水。结果实验室模拟现场:当供试蚊虫为雌性时,诱捕率可达到56.5%;当供试蚊虫为雌雄各半时,对雌雄蚊虫的诱捕率分别是40.0%和4.0%。野外现场:在建筑物和人群密集区对蚊虫的诱集效果显著;在草丛及人群稀疏地区对雌性蚊虫的选择性诱集效果显著(t=4.916,P〈0.05)。生态水的引诱效果优于脱氯自来水。结论产卵蚊虫诱集器在实验室模拟现场和野外现场对蚊虫的诱捕作用明显;在野外现场对雌性蚊虫的选择性诱集效果与生境条件、气象因素、蚊种的生态习性和雌性蚊虫的生殖营养节律以及诱集器的放置位置、放置时间等因素有关。

关 键 词:产卵蚊虫诱集器  蚊虫  现场试验

Field application of monitoring devices for spawning mosquitoes
HUO Xin-bei,CHEN De-guo,LU Liang,CAO Guan-shi,XIAO Tai-qin,WANG Xue-jun,MIAO Ming-sheng,ZHANG Jin-guang,ZHAO Zhi-gang. Field application of monitoring devices for spawning mosquitoes[J]. Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control, 2011, 22(4): 313-315
Authors:HUO Xin-bei  CHEN De-guo  LU Liang  CAO Guan-shi  XIAO Tai-qin  WANG Xue-jun  MIAO Ming-sheng  ZHANG Jin-guang  ZHAO Zhi-gang
Affiliation:HUO Xin-bei1,CHEN De-guo2,LU Liang3,CAO Guan-shi4,XIAO Tai-qin4,WANG Xue-jun1,MIAO Ming-sheng2,ZHANG Jin-guang2,ZHAO Zhi-gang11 Shandong State Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control,Shandong Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jinan 250014,Shandong Province,China,2 Shandong Normal Univercity,3 National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,4 Shengli Oil Field Center for Disease Control and Prev...
Abstract:Objective To evaluate alluring effects of monitoring devices on spawning mosquitoes under simulated and field settings. Methods Alluring effects were recorded for 12 h (overnight) in laboratory stimulated and field environments with ecological water (from the field habitats) and dechlorinated tap water as the baits. Results In the stimulated scenario, the trapping rate was 56.5% for female mosquitoes, and in a 50/50 subject group 40.0% and 4.0% for female and male mosquitoes, respectively. In the field, obv...
Keywords:Trapping device for spawning mosquitoes  Mosquitoes  Field experiment  
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