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引用本文:贾福军,李恒芬,王新友,赵慧芳,师天元,张红亚. 白介素-6、10、12与精神分裂症临床特征的关系[J]. 上海精神医学, 2002, 14(2): 65-67
作者姓名:贾福军  李恒芬  王新友  赵慧芳  师天元  张红亚
摘    要:目的 检测精神分裂症患者血浆IL-6、IL-10和IL-12水平,探讨其与精神分裂症临床特征的关系。方法 对57例精神分裂症患者和29例健康人,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELSIA)检测其血浆IL-6、IL-10、IL-12水平,采用阳性和阴性症状评定量表(PANSS)评定患者的症状特征。结果 患者组血浆IL-12水平高于正常对照组(P<0.05),且与疾病的严重程度皇正相关;阴性症状组患者IL-6水平明显高于阳性症状组和正常对照组,而其IL-10水平则低于阳性症状组;急性或亚急性起病者血浆IL-10水平明显低于慢性起病组。 结论 精神分裂症存在细胞免疫异常,IL-12在精神分裂症的发病机制中起一定作用,IL-6和IL-10则与其部分临床特征有关。

关 键 词:白介素-6  白介素-10  白介素-12  精神分裂症  临床特征

Relationships between plasma levels of interleukin-6, interleukin-10, interleukin-12 and clinical features in schizophrenia
Jia Fujun. Li Hengfen,Wang Xinyou,et al.. Relationships between plasma levels of interleukin-6, interleukin-10, interleukin-12 and clinical features in schizophrenia[J]. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 2002, 14(2): 65-67
Authors:Jia Fujun. Li Hengfen  Wang Xinyou  et al.
Affiliation:Jia Fujun. Li Hengfen,Wang Xinyou,et al. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical College,Xinxiang 453002
Abstract:Objectives: To study the relationships between these interleukins and the clinical features of schizophrenia. Method: Using enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). plasma levels of IL-6. IL-10 and IL-12 were measured in 57 schizophrenic patients and 29 healthy controls. The symptoms were evaluated with Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: Plasma level of IL-12 was significantly higher in schizophrenic patients than in healthy controls, and positively correlated to the seriousness of the disease. IL-6 was significantly higher in negative symptom subgroup compared with positive subgroup and controls, while IL-10 was lower in negative subgroup than in positive ones. In the patients with acute or subacute onset, IL-10 was lower compared with ones with chronic onset. Conclusion: There was cellular immunity dysfunction in schizophrenia. Increased plasma level of IL-12 may be a part of the pathological mechanisms, and IL-6 and IL-10 may be related to some of the clinical features of schizophre-nia.
Keywords:Interleukin-6 Interleukin-10 Interleukin-12 Schizophrenia Clinical features
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