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引用本文:柯庆华,杜伟,黄冰,雷勇,黄敏,罗斐. 头颈部肿瘤患者放化疗期间营养风险调查[J]. 现代肿瘤医学, 2014, 0(9): 2064-2065. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-4992.2014.09.18
作者姓名:柯庆华  杜伟  黄冰  雷勇  黄敏  罗斐
作者单位:荆州市肿瘤医院,湖北 荆州 434000
摘    要:目的:研究头颈部肿瘤患者放化疗期间营养风险发生率,为临床进行营养支持提供科学依据。方法:采用营养筛查工具NRS2002对142例头颈部肿瘤患者放化疗期间进行营养风险评估。结果:在142例病人中,评分≥3分者116例,占全部病例数的81.7%,其中,评分≥3分的患者中鼻咽癌比例为74.1%,口腔癌18.1%。结论:头颈部肿瘤患者放化疗期间存在较高营养风险,鼻咽癌和口腔癌肿瘤患者的营养风险更高,对于该类患者尤其需要加强营养支持治疗。

关 键 词:肿瘤患者  营养调查  营养风险  NRS2002

Nutrition risk survey of the head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy
Ke Qinghua,Du Wei,Huang Bing,Lei Yong,Huang Min,Luo Fei. Nutrition risk survey of the head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy[J]. Journal of Modern Oncology, 2014, 0(9): 2064-2065. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-4992.2014.09.18
Authors:Ke Qinghua  Du Wei  Huang Bing  Lei Yong  Huang Min  Luo Fei
Affiliation:The Oncology Hospital of Jingzhou,Hubei Jinzhou 434000,China.
Abstract:Objective:To study the nutrition risk of head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy.Methods:Using NRS2002 criterion,we evaluated the nutrition risks in 142 head and neck cancer patients.Results:In all 142 patients,the prevalence of nutrition risk (NRS≥3) was 81.7%(116 cases).Nasopharynx cancer patients was 74.1%(86 cases),oral cancer patients was 18.1%(21 cases).Conclusion:There are high nutrition risk of the head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy.Nasopharynx cancer patients and oral cancer patients have higher nutrition risk,need more nutritional support.
Keywords:tumor patients  nutritional screening  nutrition risk  NRS2002
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