Abstract: | Experience in tubeless hypotonic duodeno-graphy on 326 cases with pathologic correlationshows that hypotonic duodenography can revea.lsuch structures as the prornontory, rVater'spapilla, accessory papilla ancl longitudinal foldsbelow the papilla, ..rhich usually cannot be de-monstrated by the conventional lrnethod of ex-amination. It is also much superior in revealing~vhcther lesions arc in the duodenum or itsneighboring structures such as the pa:ocreas. Italso helps to correct the spurious featurescafuscd by poor filling and intestinal wall con-traction during ordinary examination. Thetechnic of tubeless bypotonic duodenography,use of hypotonic drugsand measures for doublecontrast are presentedand discussed. |