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Declining Walking Impairment Questionnaire Scores Are Associated With Subsequent Increased Mortality in Peripheral Artery Disease
Authors:Atul Jain  Kiang Liu  Luigi Ferrucci  Michael H. Criqui  Lu Tian  Jack M. Guralnik  Huimin Tao  Mary M. McDermott
Affiliation:? Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, Maryland;§ Department of Preventive Medicine, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California; Department of Health Research and Policy-Biostatistics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California; Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland and School of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland;# Department of Medicine Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Keywords:functional limitation   intermittent claudication   mortality   peripheral artery disease
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