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引用本文:徐立,梁维邦,倪红斌,韦永祥,庄敏杰. 开放桥小脑角池对脑干听觉诱发电位的影响[J]. 临床神经外科杂志, 2009, 6(1): 24-26
作者姓名:徐立  梁维邦  倪红斌  韦永祥  庄敏杰
摘    要:目的观察桥小脑角池(Cerebellopontine angle cistern,CPA)的开放对脑干听觉诱发电位(Brain stem auditory evoked potential,BAEP)的影响。方法实验组(A组)2007年9月至2008年6月面肌痉挛病人100例,男44例,女56例,年龄30-68岁,术前纯音听阈测定听力均正常,术中BAEP监测桥小脑角池开放前后V波潜伏期的变化;对照组(B组):另取术前病例20例,2007年9月至2008年6月,其中男性8例,女性12例,年龄34-65岁,术前情况同实验组。取其V波潜伏期值作为正常对照;结果桥小脑角池开放后,V波潜伏期平均延长0.85ms,延长比率12.9%;桥小脑角池封闭后,V波潜伏期平均回复0.64ms,回复9.8%;桥小脑角池封闭后较开放前平均延长0.21ms,延长3.1%。术后3天5例出现耳鸣,3例眩晕,无1例听力下降,3个月所有病人均无耳鸣、眩晕及听力异常。结论V波潜伏期延长大于1ms且CPA关闭后无回复提示听神经出现可逆性损伤,表明V波潜伏期的延长在一定程度上可以提示听神经的损伤。

关 键 词:桥小脑角池  听觉脑干诱发电位  面肌痉挛  微血管减压手术

Effects of the patefaction of cerebellopontine angle cistern on brain stem auditory evoked potential
XU Li,LIANG Wei-bang,NI Hong-bin,et al.. Effects of the patefaction of cerebellopontine angle cistern on brain stem auditory evoked potential[J]. Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery, 2009, 6(1): 24-26
Authors:XU Li  LIANG Wei-bang  NI Hong-bin  et al.
Affiliation:XU Li,LIANG Wei-bang,NI Hong-bin,et al.Department of Neurosurgery,Gulou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China
Abstract:Objective To study the effects of the patefaction of cerebellopontine angle cistern on brain stem auditory evoked potential.Methods 100 cases with hemifacial spasm(HFS)from Sep,2007 to Jun,2008 as trial group(group A),including 44 males,56 females,with the age between 30 and 68,normal audition,record the diversities of the V waves' incubation periods before and after the patefaction of CPA;20 preoperative cases with HFS from Sep,2007 to Jun,2008 as control group(group B),including 8 males,12 females,with th...
Keywords:cerebellopontine angle cistern  brain stem auditory evoked potential  hemifacial spasm  microvascular decompression  
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