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引用本文:张登科,李正贤,江文,刘阳云,冯秀荣. 中西医药联合高压氧治疗突发性耳聋疗效观察[J]. 临床军医杂志, 2011, 39(3). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-3826.2011.03.52
作者姓名:张登科  李正贤  江文  刘阳云  冯秀荣
作者单位:1. 解放军第163医院 门诊部
2. 解放军第163医院 耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科,湖南,长沙,410003
摘    要:目的观察中西医药联合高压氧治疗突发性耳聋的临床效果。方法突发性耳聋患者120例,男74例,女46例,年龄34~72岁。随机分为中西医组(A组)和西医组(B组)各60例。两组均使用低分子右旋糖酐,前列腺素E1,三磷酸腺苷,辅酶A,地塞米松,维生素等。A组同时加服中药(柴胡、钩藤、丹参、龙胆草、党参,石菖蒲、当归、天麻、川芎、黄柏、夏枯草、葛根、香附等)。两组均辅以高压氧治疗。结果 A组痊愈15例,显效19例,有效17例,无效9例,临床总有效率为85%。B组痊愈13例,显效14例,有效16例,无效17例,临床总有效率为71.66%。两组相比,A组优于B组(P<0.05)。结论中西医药联合高压氧治疗突发性耳聋疗效明显,优于单纯西医组,具有较好的临床应用价值。

关 键 词:突发性耳聋  中西医药  高压氧

Clinic effect observation of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine combined hyperbaric oxygen in treatment of sudden hearing loss
Zhang Deng-ke,Li Zheng-xian,Jiang Wen,Liu Yang-yun,Feng Xiu-rong. Clinic effect observation of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine combined hyperbaric oxygen in treatment of sudden hearing loss[J]. Clinical Journal of Medical Officer, 2011, 39(3). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-3826.2011.03.52
Authors:Zhang Deng-ke  Li Zheng-xian  Jiang Wen  Liu Yang-yun  Feng Xiu-rong
Abstract:Objective To explore the clinic effect of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine combined hyperbaric oxygen in treatment of sudden hearing loss.Methods 120 patients with sudden deafness were randomly divided into 2 groups.60 cases of group A treated by traditional Chinese medicine(including radix bupleuri,rhynchophylla,salviae miltiorrhizae,radix gentianae,radix puerariae,rhizoma gastrodiae,hemlock parsley,phellodendron,rhizoma acori tatarinowii,angelica,codonopsis,gentian,cork,prunella,cyperus rotundus,etc.) and 60 cases of group B treated by western medicine(including low molecular weight dextran,prostaglandin E1,adenosine triphosphate,coenzyme A,dexamethasone and vitamin,etc.) combined hyperbaric oxygen.Among these patients,there were 74 males and 46 females,ranging in age from 34 to 72 years.Results A,15 cases cured,19 cases markedly,17 cases effective,9 healed cases,the total effective rate is 85%.In group B,13 cases cured,14 cases markedly,16 cases effective,17 healed cases.The total effective rate is 71.66%.The results in group A were better than that in group B(P<0.05).Conclusion The results showed that sudden hearing loss with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine combined hyperbaric oxygen treatment is better than single western medicine treatment.
Keywords:sudden hearing loss  traditional chinese medicine and western medicine  hyperbaric oxygen
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