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Molecular dissection of the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome region (15q11-13) by YAC cloning and FISH analysis
Authors:Kuwano, A.   Mutirangura, A.   Dittrich, B.   Buiting, K.   Horsthemke, B.   Saitoh, S.   Niikawa, N.   Ledbetter, S.A.   Greenberg, F.   Chinault, A.C.   Ledbetter, D.H.
The authors wish to note an error in the relative order of probesPW71 and TD189-1. The order of PWS/AS probes should be revisedas follows: cen-IR39-ML34-IR4-3R-TD189-1-PW71-LS6-1-TD3-21-GABRB3-IR10-1-CMW1-tel.Thecorrected map of the PWS/AS critical region (Figure 4) summarizingprobe order from interphase FISH analysis and YAC contig informationis provided below. The reversed order of TD189-1 and PW71 wasdiscovered by analysis of YAC 71B11, a non-chimeric YAC of 700kb from the CEPH library which was identified with the STS fromIR4-3R as indicated in Table 1. This YAC was also positive foran STS from the left end of YAC 307A12, identified with theSTS from TD 189-1. In confirmation of these results, the rightend of 71B11 was positive for 307A12 by hybridization, and anSTS from the left end of 71B11 was positive for YACs 172A10and 495D1. The Alu-PCR dot-blot hybridization experiment inFigure 1a appears to represent a false positive overlap betweenYACs A156E1 (used as probe) and B58C7 (labeled 58 on the figure).This is possibly due to homologous sequences contained withinthese two YACs. All other Alu-PCR dot-blot experiments havebeen confirmed by either YAC end hybridization by STS analysis.
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