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引用本文:刘训良 戴存才. PCR—SSP快速检测胰腺癌K—ras基因第12位密码子点突变[J]. 中华实验外科杂志, 1997, 14(2): 126-127
作者姓名:刘训良 戴存才
摘    要:为研究简便、快速、特异、灵敏的检测胰腺癌K-ras基因突变和突变方式的方法及其在胰腺肿块术前定性诊断中的价值,我们采用针对K-ras基因点突变方式(CGT、GTT、GAT)设计的顺序特异性引物(SSP),对冰冻胰腺癌组织进行PCR,产物借助常规电泳即可知有无K-ras基因突变及突变方式,无露酶切、杂文、放射性及非放射性显影。结果发现:34例胰腺癌标本皆存在K-ras基因点突变,其中8例存在两种方式突变,13例正常胰腺组织、17例胰腺良性疾病、7例胆管癌、5例壶腹癌及4例十二指肠乳头癌均未见K-ras基因点突变。结果说明该法简便、快速、特异、灵敏,对于胰腺肿块术前定性诊断具有重要参考价值。

关 键 词:胰腺癌,PCR-SSP,K-ras基因,点突变

Rapid and simpl e detection of K-ras gene mutation at codon 12 in psncreatlc adenocarciaoma hy PCR-SSP and its implicatioo
Liu Xunliang,Dai Cuncai,Du Jinghui,et al.. Rapid and simpl e detection of K-ras gene mutation at codon 12 in psncreatlc adenocarciaoma hy PCR-SSP and its implicatioo[J]. Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery, 1997, 14(2): 126-127
Authors:Liu Xunliang  Dai Cuncai  Du Jinghui  et al.
Affiliation:Liu Xunliang,Dai Cuncai,Du Jinghui,et al. Department of General Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nan- jing,210029.
Abstract:The iancidence of K-ras gene mutations at codon 12 in patient. with pancreatic adenocarcinoma was over 90 % . The PCR was perforn.ed in fruzen tis- sues of pancreatic adenocarcinoma with the xpecial se- quence primers (SSP ) designed according to the mutant styles (CCT , GTT , GAT) of K-ras gene. The cunven- tional gel electrophoresis was enough for detection of mutations in the amplification products. Restriction en- zyme digestion . specific oligonucleotide probe hybridiza- rion , radioisotopic and non-radioisotopic autography were nnt necessary . The mutation of K-ras gene at codctn 12 was found in all 34 frozen pancreatic adenocarcinoma specimens. Among 8 of the 34 samples , there were two kinds of mutatiotns. However , mutations were not found in 13 normal pancreatic tissues , 17 pancreatic benign dis- eases . 7 bile-duct carcinoznas , 5 ampullary carcinomas and 4 duodenu papillary adenocarcinomas. This method was rapid , convenicnt , spccific as well as sensit ive and may be served as a valuable method for the diagnosis and differentiation of panereatic adenocarcitnoma.
Keywords:Panereatic adenocarcinoma PCR- SSP K-ras gene Point mutations  
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