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Ketoconazole ion-exchange fiber complex: a novel method to reduce the individual difference of bioavailability in oral administration caused by gastric anacidity
Abstract:Water insoluble faintly alkaline drugs often have potential absorption problem in gastrointestinal tract in oral administration for patients with gastric anacidity. The purpose of the present study is to develop a novel method to improve the absorption of the water insoluble faintly alkaline drug in peroral administration. This method is based on ion exchange of ion-exchange fibers. Water-insoluble faintly alkaline drug ketoconazole was used as a model drug. Ketoconazole and the active groups of the ion-exchange fibers combined into ion pairs based on the acid-base reaction. This drug carrier did not release drugs in deionized water, but in water solution containing other ions it would release the drugs into the solution by ion exchange. Confirmed by the X-ray diffraction and the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the ketoconazole combined onto the ion-exchange fibers was in a highly molecular level dispersed state. The improved dissolution of ketoconazole ion-exchange fiber complexes is likely to originate from this ketoconazole’s highly dispersed state. Furthermore, due to this ketoconazole’s highly dispersed state, ketoconazole ion-exchange fiber complexes significantly decreased the individual difference of absorption in oral administration of ketoconazole caused by the fluctuation of the acid degree in the gastric fluid.
Keywords:Ion exchange  ion-exchange fiber  ketoconazole  dissolution  individual difference  bioavailability
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