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Mechanism underlying superantigen-induced clonal deletion of mature T lymphocytes
Authors:Biasi, Giovanni   Panozzo, Marina   Pertile, Paolo   Mezzalira, Silvio   Facchinetti, Antonella
Affiliation:Institute of Experimental Pathology via Ranieri, 60131 Ancona, Italy
1 Institute of Oncology via Gattamelata 64, 35128 Padova, Italy
2 IST Biotechnology Section via Gattamelata 64, 35128 Padova, Italy
We observed that peripheral T cells activated in vivo or invitro by superantigens are susceptible to cell death when theirantigen receptor is cross-linked with the appropriate anti-{alpha}ßTCR mAb. TCR ligation by mAbs specifically drove the T cellclonal deletion in both CD4+ and CD8+ cell subsets. An IL-2/1L-2Rinteraction seems to be a critical step In predisposing superantigenactivated cells to death; In fact, in vivo IL-2R bockade reversedT cell deletion In superantlgen plus anti-{alpha}ß TCR mAbtreated mice. TCR ligatlon by mAbs also produced cell deathof the relevant targets in in vitro IL-2 activated T cells.Surprisingly, no T cell deletion was demonstrable in IL-2 activatedcells following staphylococcal enterotoxin B - TCR Interaction,ruling out the possibility that superantigen in Itself can inducecell death. Thus, while superantigen activation opens the celldeath program, a subsequent TCR-antigen (self) Interaction appearsnecessary to produce clonal deletion in mature T lymphocytes.
Keywords:minor lymphocyte stimulatory locus   staphylococcal enterotoxin   tolerance
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