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CO2 laser resurfacing and photocarcinogenesis: an experimental study
Authors:Hedelund Lene  Haedersdal Merete  Egekvist Henrik  Heidenheim Michael  Wulf Hans Christian  Poulsen Thomas
Affiliation:Department of Dermatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. LH20@bbh.hosp.dk
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To examine whether carbon dioxide (CO2) laser treatment has a carcinogenic potential or may influence ultraviolet (UV)-induced carcinogenesis. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hairless mice (n = 211) were treated with a Sharplan CO2 laser with FeatherTouch scanner. Simulated solar irradiations were administrated either pre-operatively or pre- and post-operatively. Weekly clinical assessments of skin tumors were performed blinded during the entire observation period of 12 months. RESULTS: No tumors appeared (a) in mice just treated with CO2 laser, (b) in mice exposed to UV irradiation only before CO2 laser treatment or (c) in untreated control mice. Tumors developed in CO2 laser treated mice that were exposed to UV-irradiation both pre- and post-operatively and in UV-irradiated control mice. The time to first, second, and third tumors ranged from 18 to 20 weeks and no significant differences were demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser treatment does not have a carcinogenic potential in itself, nor does CO2 laser treatment influence UV-induced carcinogenesis.
Keywords:hairless mice  skin tumors  ultraviolet irradiation
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