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A novel approach to multi-criteria inverse planning for IMRT
Authors:Breedveld Sebastiaan  Storchi Pascal R M  Keijzer Marleen  Heemink Arnold W  Heijmen Ben J M
Affiliation:Department of Radiation Oncology, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Groene Hilledijk 301, 3075 EA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. s.breedveld@erasmusmc.nl
Treatment plan optimization is a multi-criteria process. Optimizing solely on one objective or on a sum of a priori weighted objectives may result in inferior treatment plans. Manually adjusting weights or constraints in a trial and error procedure is time consuming. In this paper we introduce a novel multi-criteria optimization approach to automatically optimize treatment constraints (dose-volume and maximum-dose). The algorithm tries to meet these constraints as well as possible, but in the case of conflicts it relaxes lower priority constraints so that higher priority constraints can be met. Afterwards, all constraints are tightened, starting with the highest priority constraints. Applied constraint priority lists can be used as class solutions for patients with similar tumour types. The presented algorithm does iteratively apply an underlying algorithm for beam profile optimization, based on a quadratic objective function with voxel-dependent importance factors. These voxel-dependent importance factors are automatically adjusted to reduce dose-volume and maximum-dose constraint violations.
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