Abstract: | Responses of 145 reticular (R) and 158 ventral anterior (VA) thalamic neurons to electrical stimulation of centrum medianum (CM) were studied in cats anaesthetized with thiopental sodium (30-40 mg/kg intraperitoneally) and immobilized with d-tubocurarine (1 mg/kg). 4.1% of R and 4.4% of VA neurons under study responded to CM stimulation by antidromic spike (latency 0.3-2.0 ms). The conduction velocity of antidromic excitation in axons of those neurons was found to be 1.7-7.6 m/s. There were neurons which responded by antidromic spike to the other thalamic nuclei stimulation as well as to CM. This fact is the electrophysiological proof of the axonal branching in these neurons. 53.8% of R and 46.9% of VA neurons responded to CM stimulation with orthodromic excitation. Two groups of cells were separated among neurons excited orthodromically. The first group neurons responded to CM stimulation by discharges composed of 6-12 spikes with frequency of 130-640 per second. The neurons of the second group generated a single spike. Inhibitory reactions were noticed only in 0.7% of R and in 4.4% of VA neurons. It is shown that afferent impulses from relay nuclei, lateral posterior nucleus and motor cortex converged to some R and VA neurons responding to CM. |