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引用本文:邵蓓,何金彩,倪佩琦,郑荣远. 慢性正己烷中毒的神经电生理表现[J]. 中国实用内科杂志, 1999, 0(6)
作者姓名:邵蓓  何金彩  倪佩琦  郑荣远
摘    要:目的分析慢性正己烷中毒的神经电生理表现。方法应用常规肌电图技术对22例慢性正己烷中毒患者进行肌电图、神经传导速度检测。结果慢性正己烷中毒患者电生理检查异常率为55%,感觉神经传导速度减慢为9%,运动神经传导速度减慢为43%,远端潜伏期延长为28%。结论慢性正己烷中毒以损害运动神经远端为主,神经损害与接触正己烷时间有关。

关 键 词:正己烷  慢性中毒  神经  电生理

Display of neuro-electrophysiology in patients with chronic N-hexane intoxication.
Shao Bei,He Jincai,Ni Peiqi,et al.. Display of neuro-electrophysiology in patients with chronic N-hexane intoxication.[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine, 1999, 0(6)
Authors:Shao Bei  He Jincai  Ni Peiqi  et al.
Affiliation:Shao Bei,He Jincai,Ni Peiqi,et al.Department of Neurology,First Affiliated Hospital,Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou,325000
Abstract:Objective To analyze neuro-electromyography changes in patients with chronic N-hexane intoxication.Methods The electromyography and nerve conduction velocities were measured in 22 patients with N-hexane intoxication by using the technique of regulation electromyography.Result The abnormal rate of electromyography in patients with N-hexane intoxication was 55%.Sensory nerve conduction velocity was slow(9%),motor nerve conduction velocity was slow(43%),and the distal latencies were prolonged(28%).Conclusion The chronic N-hexane intoxication led to the impairment of motor nerve,particular in distal region,and was related to contact N-hexane with time.
Keywords:N-hexane Chronic intoxication Nerve Electrophysiology
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